So it is my first time visiting St. Tropez, and it so far has exceeded expectations. We had dinner at a restaurant, club and high end boutique all in one (Villa Romana). It isn't a rare occasion to go to the bathroom and be stopped my a man dressed as a pirate. Usually he can get you to come out dressed in a different (sexier) outfit. I myself got talked into it, but those pics will not make this post. Every few minutes the lights would go down and the star wars theme song would start to play as a table ordered a bottle of Cristal champagne which was adorned with sparklers. Service was amazing, especially from Luciano who took a liking to our table of young men.
After a ridiculously expensive tab (as they are all here) we headed to the club Les Caves (remember Taradise with Tara Reid?). As basically the only club in the town, it was packed with a gorgeous crowd.
Today holds more fun as we do our first three hour lunch at club 55 (where Pam Anderson was spotted yesterday). I'll let you know how that goes!

Brilliant marketing on cigarette boxes.

Seriously, this is the biggest bottle of vodka I've ever seen!