Tuesday, January 23


Denny's waitress: Robber in cast stole $300

EVANSVILLE, Ind. -- It certainly wasn't a strongarm robbery.
A waitress at a Denny's restaurant told police officers a teenager with a cast on his left arm robbed her of $300.

The woman told investigators that the teen came in Saturday night and sat at a table. She said he told her he was waiting for someone.

But she said that when she turned around after taking an order, the teen stood up, grabbed her money book and ran out the front door.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's sad that someone would take the time to rob a hard worker, such as a Denny's waitress. That really sucks!

It just goes to show that we cannot let our guards down,even if someone looks as harmless as a BOY in a cast.

I hope that waitress wins the lottery or something. That really sucks!

1/24/2007 7:06 PM  

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