Monday, August 21

Out of curiosity....

Out of the beers below, which do you prefer?
Miller Light
Coors Light
Bud Light
Amstel Light
Free polls from


Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/21/2006 7:23 AM  
Blogger High Power Rocketry said...

Old English 800 (not 750, that one sucks.)

8/21/2006 7:54 AM  
Blogger Claude Scales said...

How about "None of the above"?

Yes, I'm an insufferable beer snob who will never order anything with "light" or (Heaven forefend!) "lite" in its name. I even considered boycotting Sam Adams just because the added a "light" to their line, and now have the same problem with Yeungling, which has been my staple sitting at the bar watching a game beer for the last couple of years.

8/21/2006 3:12 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

I am with Claude Scales on this one . . . none of the above.

Great blog, by the way. I was a waitress last summer at a summer lodge in Maine that I had worked at since I was 14. I always tipped the standard 15%, but now I readily tip more for great service. I now know what back breaking hard work it is!

8/21/2006 3:29 PM  
Blogger Lunchbox said...

I'm also such a snob: none of the above. Then again, I'm Canadian, and we really serve that pisswater to the kids anyway; there may be more KidsTable than snob in my bias -- unless it's just the taste.

Rickard's Red, for me (Yanks can fake with a similar Killians). Gimme something medium-strength and nutty. yum!

8/26/2006 11:15 PM  

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